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martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

Comics creation and walk along tropical crops of Finca El Zahorí

Our first Al-Andalus High School day and our complementary activities in the Erasmus KA229 project
Last Monday, February 11th, LIS students and teachers were welcomed at Al-Ándalus High School. After the headmaster Javier's welcoming words, LIS students and teachers enjoyed a tour prepared by the youngest Year 1 students who were really excited about meeting German students and showing them the whole school.
After that, LIS students and their teachers, Spanish host students and Cecilia together with the Maths teacher Antonio went to Finca El Zahorí to visit the tropical crops and receiving all kind of explanations about how the weather conditions affect them.
Finca El Zahorí
Finca el Zahorí
Year 4 students drawing a comic
While they were on that school trip, Year 4 students stayed at the school creating comics about Global Warming and Climate Change with the local comic artist Juanfran and the English teachers Mister Martínez and Miss Morales.
Year 4 students creating a comic about Global Warming
 Cecilia and Marina

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