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domingo, 7 de abril de 2019

Just a memory: Beach clean up in Almuñécar.

We still remember our task of cleaning up all beaches in Almuñécar 
All students and teachers will never forget our hardworking activity in the beach clean up held in Almuñécar to promote clean lands and oceans in our planet. Consequently, all local schools and high schools joined forces by the seaside 14th February 2019 to pick up all kinds of garbage, plastics, cigarette filters, butts, tins, rest of nets, woody sticks, etc. 
Generally speaking, more than 600 students collected 165 kilograms of polluting stuff together with the help of green associations such as Beach Patrol, Asociación Chenolia, Buceo Open Water and other volunteers such as Michael Comley and his wife Jenny. As a result, we are absolutely satisfied with this local ecofriendly gesture and its impact on local minds

We all hope that this thought-provoking task organised as part of the Erasmus+ KA229: Freshwater Shortage! Warning! helps to save our planet from the global warming and to make people sure of keeping on our promise of recycling, reusing and reducing plastic.

 We are proud of being plastic free! 
Cecilia, Jose,Vanesa and Marina

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